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Stepparent adoption can be a worthwhile process

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2025 | Family Law

Marrying someone who already has children is a recipe for an instant family. Individuals who have not had children of their own may relish the opportunity to step into a parental role. They may grow very close with their stepchildren over time.

Sometimes, stepparents decide that they want to adopt their stepchildren. Others question whether involving the family courts is necessary. State law requires that stepparents hoping to adopt fill out complex paperwork, secure permission from multiple parties and meet certain legal standards.

Is dealing with all of that red tape a worthwhile undertaking?

Stepparent adoption offers many benefits

Quite a few stepparents eventually proceed with an adoption of their stepchildren, and for good reason. Stepchildren who may feel uneasy about the new family circumstances or traumatized by the death or abandonment of a parent may feel grateful for a stepparent adoption. The change in their legal parentage can give them a sense of family and of belonging.

In addition to the emotional benefits of a stepparent adoption, there are many practical benefits the family can derive. A loving stepparent doesn’t automatically have parental rights if family circumstances change. If they divorce their spouse or their spouse dies, they may not be able to maintain custody of their stepchild. Stepparent adoption helps formally establish the parental rights of a stepparent.

The adoption process also extends crucial legal protections to the stepchild. They may become eligible for certain workplace benefits available through their stepparent’s job. The adoption process also makes them a legal heir. If the stepparent dies, the stepchild can inherit from their estate even if the stepparent didn’t have an estate plan.

Pursuing a stepparent adoption can benefit an entire family. Stepparents and their spouses may need help completing the various requirements of a legal adoption, and that’s okay.