It’s important for spouses to notice how their relationship is going. When both parties are alert and present it makes it more likely they can do something about minor issues before they turn into major ones. Yet this does not happen in many marriages. It’s why so...
Family Law
Don’t neglect your 529 savings plan as you divorce
One of the most important assets a couple can have may also be one they forget about as they’re determining how to divide things up – a 529 savings plan. These are tax-advantaged plans that parents often open to save for their children’s educational needs. These...
When a narcissistic ex tries to alienate you from your kids
Going through a separation or divorce is difficult for everyone involved, often especially children. When one parent has narcissistic tendencies, the situation can become even more complex. Parental alienation, where a narcissistic ex alienates your children against...
Can South Carolina parents move with their kids after a divorce?
While the decision to divorce can feel like a cataclysmic and shocking decision, months of living in limbo typically follow. Some divorcing spouses continue cohabitating in the early stages of the process. Generally speaking, spouses mid-divorce need to maintain the...
How is alimony determined in South Carolina?
There is an assumption that both spouses share each other’s income during a marriage. Therefore, divorce can significantly impact the economic status of a non-wage or low-wage earning spouse. The purpose of alimony is to provide financial support to a spouse so that...
Why do many divorcing parents use special apps to communicate?
Divorce forces parents to accept a lot of compromises and changes. Some of them are more dramatic than others. One parent will likely move out of the marital home, and both parents have to adjust to spending less time with the children. The way that parents interact...
When to modify a child custody order in South Carolina
Parenting plans and child custody arrangements might not stand the test of time. In most cases, families experience significant changes, potentially making their setup inappropriate based on the situation. Sometimes, a parent can seek modifications when contesting...
What Is Marital Property In A South Carolina Divorce?
Before you enter a marriage, you and your spouse have separate property. The property you acquired while single remains in your ownership even after a divorce. Marital property includes all the assets you purchased during your marriage. It does not necessarily mean...
3 Options For Custody Scheduling
When South Carolina parents go through a divorce, they often try to work out a custody arrangement on their own. Unfortunately, many of those parents don’t realize that they’re not limited to the traditional alternating week model, or schedules that involve rotating...
What If My Child Doesn’t Want To See Their Other Parent?
Divorce is never easy for South Carolina parents, and things get even more complicated when children don’t want to see one of them. Custody switches are some of the most traumatic events that take place after a divorce for parents and children. What can you do if your...