Finances are a large issue in many marriages. Many couples discuss how their money is spent, how much money should be saved, how money is split and how much is being made. Financial difficulties may not be the leading cause of divorces, with many being caused by...
Too much time apart could lead to divorce
Some couples get divorced because they spend too much time together. For example, married business owners may feel like combining their personal and professional lives has taken a toll. They see each other 24/7, and it leads to conflicts and frustrations....
Does your child think they caused your divorce?
No sane adult would think to blame their child for their divorce. Yet children aren’t adults. They have not developed the same capacity for reasoned thinking yet. Hence, it is not uncommon to find children who believe they are to blame for their parents getting...
Addressing home equity in a North Carolina divorce
Spouses tend to work together to accrue resources for their future financial comfort. Buying a marital home together is a perfect example of this practice. Spouses make sacrifices and commit huge amounts of their income for the acquisition and maintenance of their...
The importance of revising your estate plans post-divorce
Divorce often leads to far-reaching changes in various aspects of your life, from your financial situation to living arrangements. As such, updating your estate plans in line with these changes can help prevent unintended consequences. Here is why you should revise...
Can your spouse just ignore the divorce papers?
You decide that you want a divorce and you tell your spouse that you hope it can be amicable. The two of you can work together to end the marriage. Unfortunately, your spouse tells you they don’t believe in divorce and they refuse to get one. You serve them the...
Why did your spouse just give money away?
You and your spouse have been discussing a divorce. Your spouse is not necessarily happy about it, but they realize that there’s nothing they can do to stop the divorce from taking place. As you begin to gather your financial documents, you find some interesting...
How should you tell your (adult) kids that you’re getting divorced?
So-called “gray” divorces are more common than ever before. The challenges for couples who call it quits when they’re in their 50s, 60s and beyond are often different from the challenges faced by younger couples – except to one significant extent. They still have to...
How to protect your digital privacy in divorce
It doesn’t matter how you got to the point of a divorce or who initiated it, you and your spouse are no longer a couple. At this point, you need to take steps to disentangle your lives and protect your privacy – especially your digital privacy. These days, people do...
Negotiating a parenting plan
In South Carolina, divorcing parents of minor children are legally obligated to submit a parenting plan if either one contests custody. Each parent must create a parenting plan and submit it to the court for approval. Parents can also collaborate and make the...