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Year: 2023

How does a probate sale work?

The condition of your estate in South Carolina after you pass will depend on several factors. One of them will be whether or not you are in debt. If you are, your estate may be subjected to a probate sale. This process entails the sale of assets to satisfy your...

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What is grandparent alienation?

Parents in South Carolina may try to alienate their ex-spouse's parents from their grandchildren. Unfortunately, when this happens, there can be detrimental effects on older adults and the child. Grandparent alienation can occur in many ways. Withholding the...

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Potential drawbacks of nesting

Nesting is a child custody arrangement where the children remain in the family home while the parents take turns living there with them. This arrangement is gaining popularity in South Carolina and throughout the country, as divorced or separated parents seek ways to...

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Supporting your children through divorce

Divorce can be rough for everyone involved, especially children. As a parent going through a divorce in South Carolina, it is important to prioritize your children's well-being and provide them with the support they need. By following some simple guidelines, you can...

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Divorce and your credit score

A divorce may have a significant impact on your financial future as you may lose assets or be required to pay alimony. If you share children with your former partner, a South Carolina judge may order you to make child support payments as well. The financial...

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