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What is the best co-parenting plan?

When parents in South Carolina get a divorce, they often want to split custody 50/50. This can be a great arrangement for the child because it gives them time with both parents, but parents should think carefully before they default to a plan in which the child simply...

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Does divorce impact estate planning?

If someone writes a valid will, the probate court would likely follow the directives in the document even if the will was written many years ago. A relative or another heir may challenge a will in a South Carolina probate court if the document appears to reflect...

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Social media divorce mistakes to avoid

South Carolina couples whose marriages are ending will likely have many instances where their emotions take over. While you might think about discussing them on social media, that's not always the best solution. In fact, there are some necessary mistakes that you need...

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Child custody plans and summer vacation

Every divorce is the product of a unique situation with specific difficulties, especially when children are involved. Divorcing couples in South Carolina can avoid unnecessary emotional turmoil by delineating a custody plan that takes summer vacation into account....

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The divorce rate rises during 2020

Unfortunately, South Carolina couples are not always meant to be together forever. In fact, 2020 showed an increase of 34% in divorce filings throughout the United States. Those living in the southern part of the country were shown to be two to three times more likely...

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