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Legal Help For Many Child Custody Issues

When custody is in dispute in South Carolina, parents are required to submit a proposed parenting plan — an agreement that reflects the amount of time a child will spend with each parent and how decisions about the child will be made — to the court for consideration. The court can accept, reject or modify the proposed plan based on what it feels is in the best interests of the children.

At Sligh Law Firm, our attorneys are highly skilled litigators and negotiators. We develop effective, fair parenting plans that always put our clients’ and their children’s interests first. We know how local courts evaluate proposed parenting plans and tailor our clients’ plans accordingly.

From our office in the Myrtle Beach area, our firm fights for clients throughout the Grand Strand region during family law and child custody disputes.

Types Of Custody

There are two types of custody in South Carolina — physical and legal. Physical custody pertains to where the child lives and how much time he or she spends with each parent. Legal custody pertains to each parent’s power to make decisions regarding the health, education, religion and general welfare of the child. Custody can take many forms, including:

  • Joint legal and physical custody: Parents share time and decision-making powers.
  • Joint legal custody, sole physical custody: The child lives with one parent and has visitation with the other, but both parents have decision-making power.
  • Sole legal custody, joint physical custody: One parent has sole decision-making power, but the child spends time with both parents.
  • Sole legal and physical custody: One parent has sole decision-making power and the child lives with that parent but will have visitation time with the other.

In addition to helping our clients obtain initial custody and visitation orders, we also represent clients during relocation disputes, those who are seeking or opposing modifications of visitation and custody arrangements, and grandparents who are seeking visitation time.

Contact Experienced Myrtle Beach Area Child Custody Attorneys

At , our firm has a long history of successful family law representation. Our lawyers are highly respected and trusted legal advocates. Every move we make is with our clients’ — and their children’s — best interests in mind. To schedule a consultation, call 843-919-7747 or contact us online. Located in Conway, we represent clients throughout Horry and Georgetown County.